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Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement (PEMS)

A Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement (PEMS) is a document that outlines the ethical standards and expectations for authors, editors, reviewers, and publishers involved in academic publishing. It serves as a guideline for ensuring the integrity, transparency, and quality of the publication process. PEMS helps maintain the credibility of scholarly journals, books, and other academic works.
While specific PEMS statements may vary among publishers and journals, here are some common elements typically covered:
Authorship and Originality: PEMS emphasizes that authors must submit original work and take responsibility for the content they submit. It usually requires authors to appropriately cite and reference the works of others and avoid any form of plagiarism, data fabrication, or falsification.
Peer Review Process: PEMS describes the peer review process and its importance in ensuring the quality and validity of published work. It emphasizes the need for confidentiality, objectivity, and timely completion of the review process.
Conflict of Interest:PEMS addresses conflicts of interest that may arise in the publication process. This includes disclosing any financial, personal, or professional relationships that could influence the integrity or objectivity of the work.
Data and Research Integrity: PEMS encourages the use of sound research practices, accurate data reporting, and transparency in methods and results. It may require authors to retain and provide access to their research data for verification and replication.
Corrections, Retractions, and Withdrawals: PEMS provides guidelines for correcting errors, retracting or withdrawing published works when necessary. It outlines the process for handling such cases and the responsibilities of authors, editors, and publishers in ensuring accuracy and transparency.
Ethical Treatment of Human and Animal Subjects: Ethical Treatment of Human and Animal Subjects: PEMS highlights the importance of ethical considerations in research involving human or animal subjects. It typically requires compliance with relevant ethical guidelines, obtaining informed consent, and protecting the privacy and rights of individuals or animals involved in the study.
Publication and Authorship Misconduct: PEMS addresses issues related to duplicate publication, redundant publication (salami slicing), guest or ghost authorship, and other forms of misconduct that compromise the integrity of the publication process.

Plagiarism and Copyright:PEMS reinforces the importance of avoiding plagiarism and respecting copyright laws. It may specify that all submitted work should be original and properly cited, and that authors should obtain permission to use copyrighted material when necessary.

Publication and Authorship Misconduct: Handling Complaints and Misconduct: PEMS outlines procedures for addressing complaints related to ethical misconduct, including plagiarism, data manipulation, or unethical behavior. It may provide information on how to report concerns and the investigation and resolution processes.

Handling Complaints and Misconduct:Handling Complaints and Misconduct: PEMS outlines procedures for addressing complaints related to ethical misconduct, including plagiarism, data manipulation, or unethical behavior. It may provide information on how to report concerns and the investigation and resolution processes.

It's important to note that PEMS statements are specific to individual publishers and journals. Authors and researchers should familiarize themselves with the PEMS of the target publication before submitting their work and adhere to the stated guidelines to ensure ethical publishing practices.